Join other SacEV members in the national Electric Auto Association. You are joining the national grassroots community advocating for EVs in the USA. The national EAA is critically important to SacEV as it handles our administrative chores (tax filings, non-profit status, banking service, insurance, legal help, etc.) and provides value, such as webinars and the two nationwide events: National Drive Electric Week and Drive Electric Earth Day.
Your SacEV leadership team relies on these services, so we encourage you to join the national organization for the small sum of $35 annually. You will also be able to keep current with the latest developments in the rapidly changing world of electric vehicles in our regular Current Events e-blog. This blog is full-color, available 24/7 online from your desktop, laptop, smartphone, or however you access the internet.
Your national membership provides value to you, your local SacEV chapter, and you become a member of this critical national movement. Please join NOW.