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Sacramento County Climate Action Plan
Encourage the Sacramento County  Board of Supervisors to work harder to transition to electric vehicles


Latest Revision of Sacramento County CAP on February 17, 2022

Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association comments on Sac County CAP

Since the transportation section is by far the largest producer of climate warming  greenhouse gases, switching to electric  cars is the single-most, fastest, least expensive way to reduce GHG. SacEV has become the reputable source in the region for information on how to do this. It is important that we not only help people figure out how to buy an electric vehicle, but also encourage local governments to change their policies and actions.

We have an opportunity to encourage the County of Sacramento to codify its efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses as it considers adopting a Climate Action Plan. A group of SacEV members have submitted comments to the County to be included in the plan and the staff has incorporated some of them in the draft. This is big news, but we are a long way from getting final approval and seeing actual action.

We are planning to meet with every Supervisor before the CAP workshop (scheduled for March 23) to educate them about our recommendations and gain their support. The more people we have at these meetings, the stronger our message will be.

If you can find just 30 minutes of your time, please join us at these ZOOM meetings. We will have a briefing and training session before, or you may just attend and introduce yourself. That is still effective. If you cannot attend a meeting, I hope you will sign your name to our letter. 

Please email Cynthia Shallitt --- cynthiashallit  AT  gmail  DOT  com


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Thank you for your support for improving our climate.

CapRadioCalifornia’s climate action plans fall behind on equity, sticking instead to boilerplate solutions, new study says

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